Currently, in Torchable we have 4 group types. Here we outline the intended use for each group type!
- Small Groups: These groups usually meet with a smaller number of people, and are typically done off-site at someone's house or a coffee shop for example. This usually covers things like Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, Life Groups, Marriage Groups, etc.
- Community Groups: These groups are typically geared towards a topic or activity that you can do with other Christians in your area, and also tend to have a larger member count! Things like Running, Biking, Knitting, or maybe organizing volunteering at a local food shelf.
- Ministry Groups: This is a group type that only church admins have access to. These are groups that are tied to a church ministry. Think of things like Women's content, Men's content, Young Adults, or Volunteering. This can be a great way to create a group for something like "Sunday Coffee" and use the group chat to plan and organize with the volunteers.
- Other Groups: We know there are always going to be other needs that maybe we don't have in mind right now. So if you feel your group doesn't fit the other types, we have this as an option. It is worth noting, that there are filter options for the other group types since they are more common, so if you select the Other group type you may have fewer users viewing your content.
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